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Remar Cusco Orphanage

Remar Orphanage is an excellent privately run orphanage that receives no government financial assistance. This orphanage has 30 children and 3 married couples that love and care for the children.  These couples work in manual jobs such as recycling and building tof inancially support the orphanage.  


Cachimayo Home
New Bakery spot at Cachimayo


The bakery was a cattle stall which we cleaned up and turned into a bakery.  The youth are now making empanadas, breads and cakes in a modern bakery.   These baking skills teach the youth much needed life and marketable skills as well as brings financial help to the orphanage. 


This photo is the beginnings of the bakery.   

With donations we were able to purchase Remar this truck.     One of the ways the orphanage provides for itself is through gleaning and recycling of materials that are being replaced by businesses. An example is: a hotel had the men and boys clean a hotel and prepare it for new carpet and furniture, and in return they got the old carpet and furniture to re-sell. Remar also picks up broken beds and parts to repair and resell.

The gleaning business provides much of the money this orphanage earns in a day. To make this business work the orphanage uses a truck to gather these unwanted materials and bring them back to the orphanage for repairs.

Remars new truck


Cachimayo Home

With the help of many donators, High Andes Society purchased the land and built an orphanage in Cachimayo Peru, near to Cusco.    Please visit our youtube video to see the orphanage.

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Southern Alberta Society for High Andes Relief (Sharperu) is a Canadian registered charity 807954623 RR0001

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